futuremastery manifesto


We all see it every day around us: the world we know is going to end. 

Everywhere, technological, economic and societal disruptions shake our modern societies.

  • 70% of today’s jobs are being disrupted by artificial intelligence, 90% of the Top 500 is expected to change within the current decade, and even greater neurotech and genomic disruptions are on the turn
  • The world order is being challenged by the rivalry between the US hegemon and rising multipolar powers, creating hybrid conflicts extending to all informational, economic, and even military fronts.
  • The wealth gap is widening, with the richest, often most innovative, 1% of the population now owning more than the poorest 50% together, creating a surge in populism and rising social moves
  • At the same time, world resources begin to shrink, creating huge economic tensions for strategic raw materials and energy supplies, and a step back from globalization

This leads to massive risks, with social and geopolitical tensions everywhere and a secular financial hurricane brewing. It also opens revolutionary opportunities in business and wealth that most of us don’t even dream of today.

All this challenges the way we manage our future.

For decades, we have been used to traditional, linear, usually quite predictable ways of living. We have been lured into thinking that the future could be a simple projection of the past, or of ideological dreams of happy times.

But we feel it confusedly. We are now at an inflection point. The future is no longer what it used to be. 

History does not work linearly but chaotically, by leaps and bounds.

We are at such a moment. A GLOBAL TRANSITION to a new world is under way

At this turning point in time, the next 15 years will determine our future. The decisions we take today, in our increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous transition times, will dramatically influence our destiny.

For those who will seize the unique opportunities of these times, there may be dramatic opportunities ahead in business and living:

  • New modes of operations, with the generalization of smart machines, and later of neuro and bioengineering, resulting in step changes in business and social governance, with enormous financial and societal implications,
  • New business models, with more than 70% of tomorrow’s jobs that don’t exist today, plus dramatic changes in the way we organize and conduct societies, with the rise of more sustainable economic models, and huge fortunes to be made,
  • New types of organization and ways of working, with one billion new people who will add to humanity in the next 15 years and the rapid rise of decentralized organizations and the gig economy,
  • New types of cultures and mindsets with massive progress in human psychology and personal development techniques, plus dramatic changes in business and social practices,
  • New sense of purpose and self-realization opportunities that may surpass anything previous generations had not even dreamed about.

But being in the midst of a revolution is also being at the epicenter of chaos.

Each turning point is a crisis. A moment when the old world is not yet dead and when the new one has not yet fully arisen.

A moment when monsters roam. When social unrest rises, and when the society dramatically polarizes at collective and individual levels, with the surge of:

  • Utopian ideologies that confuse progress with blind ideologic thinking, doomed to smash against the wall of millions of years of humanity's natural evolution.
  • Survivalist and eco-millenarist factions that predict the end of the world, crusade for degrowth or preach preparation in basements for a global collapse,
  • Dreamer movements that take refuge in feel-good spiritual fantasies, ignoring the pressing challenges of the coming world,
  • Claimant protest parties waiting for elites to magically take charge of all problems, such as a universal income and enlightened dictatorship.

This has a dramatic impact on the way we live as organizations, businesses and individuals, with a strong risk of a governance crisis.

This is also a moment when it’s easy to be the victim of traditional bias by ignoring the signs of things to come because they do not fit our preconceived schemas, getting stuck in the mass thinking bandwagon effect, being frozen by fear and loss aversion instead of taking profit of the rising opportunities.

Making the right moves in this context is not easy. 

The way each organization, business or individual handles this defining moment will drive its future: 

  • How to pass successfully through these changing but also troubled times?
  • How to step over the transformation crisis and get safely to the new coming world?
  • How not just to survive but to thrive?

Flourishing in a fast-changing world requires a new mindset. It requires us to be agile. To look for new ideas. To constantly test new strategies:     

  • FORESEE actionable megatrends and scan the horizon to get ready for disruptions before they hit,
  • Know how to best ADAPT through antifragile strategies to the unexpected hazards of a world whose directions can be perceived but that evolves towards it chaotically,
  • Get the right growth mindset and best practices to THRIVE in troubled times, prone to succumb to lured ideologies, polarized social moves and collective panic.

This is the aim of futuremastery.

For millennia, thinkers have tried to foresee the future, and most have failed.

But the times are changing. Incredible progress in social dynamics, business economics and technology intelligence gives us new tools to navigate in troubled times. To avoid the herd of catastrophes and naïve utopia, and try to perceive the world as it is becoming.

We focus on a unique perspective: Getting from a foresight to results!

While many try to forecast the future, futuremastery is striving to navigate into it.

  • Not just detecting trends but foreseeing how to get ready for them,
  • Not just being prepared for the probable, but getting adapted to the unexpected,
  • Not just being ready for change but having the right mindset to succeed.

Researching and bringing the best insights, methods, and tools to navigate these uncertain times, get the most out of disruptions, and help us cross the crisis to a safe heaven.

With a single aim in mind, to get the full mastery of our future.

Never has the future held so many dangers. Never has it also held so many promises. 

Together, let’s take full control of our organization, business, or individual destiny!


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